Make a planning application

Overview of information for specific application types

In addition to information that must be submitted with all planning applications, you may have to provide extra information in specific cases.

If any detail in the table below is relevant to your application, go to our detailed information for specific application types to find out more.

Information You will only need to provide this with...
Existing and proposed site sections and finished floor and site levels Applications that involve a change in ground levels or where the development is proposed next to ground levels that are changing.
Roof plans Applications where a roof would be created or altered by the proposed development.
Affordable housing statement / viability statement Applications for new residential development where there is capacity for 10 or more dwellings, or the total development area is 0.5 hectares or larger.
Agricultural appraisal Applications that propose new dwellings for agricultural workers, or the removal of agricultural occupancy conditions on existing dwellings.
Air quality impact assessment Applications for developments of 10 or more residential units, or 500 square metres of non-residential floor space within the Air Quality Management Area.
Biodiversity survey and report Applications where the type and location of development are such that the impact on biodiversity may be significant and existing information is lacking or inadequate.
Environmental impact assessment Applications that are likely to have significant effects on the environment.
Flood risk assessment Applications for developments on sites of more than 1 hectare in flood zone 1, and all new developments within flood zones 2 or 3.
Go to GOV.UK: flood map for planning.
Health impact assessment Applications for developments of 50 or more residential units, or 1,000 square metres of non-residential floor space.
Heritage statement Applications for listed building consent, or conservation area consent, or developments likely to affect designated or non-designated heritage assets.
Land contamination assessment Major applications – especially on brownfield sites – and with any application that requires an environmental impact assessment, or where development is proposed for a site known to have potential contamination issues.
Lighting assessment Applications, except householder developments, where you are proposing to incorporate external lighting.
Parking and access arrangements Applications likely to result in a loss or gain of parking provision.
Retail or leisure impact assessment Applications for retail or leisure developments over 2,500 square metres, or likely to have a significant impact on smaller centres, or when they are not in a central location, nor in accordance with a development plan.
Statement of community involvement Large scale or potentially controversial applications where there is significant impact on the environment or local community, or where the nature of the development is likely to attract significant local interest.
Structural survey Applications involving barn conversations, the re-use of rural buildings, or the partial demolition of any heritage building due to its condition.
Telecommunications development Applications for approval of telecommunications developments.
Transport assessment Applications for developments likely to generate a significant amount of vehicle movement, or materially increase the character of traffic entering or leaving a trunk road.
Travel plan Non-residential proposals involving 50 employees or more.
Tree survey Applications where there are trees within – or adjacent to – the development site that could influence or be affected by your proposals.