Planning application 13/00897/TBC

Permitted development right conditions (PDR) are often attached to the planning consents that we grant. Some of these conditions remove permitted development rights - go to our list of permitted development right conditions.

You should also check the planning history of a property for a full list of conditions that remove permitted development rights on sites. Planning permission may have been granted for a property but this does not guarantee it has been implemented. A subsequent planning permission or alteration to the property may affect the permitted development rights.

PDR no.

Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary there shall be no insertion of windows into any elevation of the dwellings hereby approved, or any extensions or outbuilding into any elevation of the development hereby permitted, without the consent from the Local Planning Authority. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, there shall be no erection of additional fencing, extensions, roof alterations, outbuildings or porches erected within the site without obtaining additional planning consent from the Local Planning Authority.