Public notice

Town Police Clauses Act 1847

Temporary Prohibition of Traffic Order

Order number: 29, 2023

Horndon on the Hill Remembrance Day Service

Whereas application has been made to the Borough Council of Thurrock for the temporary closure of the road described below, on the occasion of the Horndon on the Hill Remembrance Day Service on Sunday 12 November 2023 as the roads are likely to be thronged or liable to be obstructed.

And whereas the said Borough Council is satisfied that the closure of the highways so described is necessary as the ordinary day to day use of the highway is likely to be obstructed or dislocated by a substantial number of persons.

And whereas the Police have raised no objection to the making of this Order provided that appropriate arrangements are made to exclude vehicles from the roads affected by this Order other than those vehicles associated with the event and that suitable closure notices are displayed.

Now therefore the Borough Council of Thurrock in pursuance of the powers conferred by Section 21 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and of all other enabling powers hereby makes the following Order:

1. Orsett Road between its junctions with High Road and Francis Close shall be temporarily closed in order to facilitate the Horndon on the Hill Remembrance Day service.
2. The Order will come into force at 10:30am until 11:30am on Sunday 12 November 2023.

Peter Wright, Head of Highways Infrastructure
Publication date: 
Monday 30 October 2023