Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Town and Country Planning
The following application(s) have been received. Any representations thereon should be delivered to the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection at the address below within 21 days of advertisement publication.
Demolition of existing structures and redevelopment of the site for commercial use falling within Use Class B8 (storage and distribution) servicing, parking, access – including construction of an access ramp, landscaping, means of enclosure and associated development (revised description).
Units 1 to 8 including Burger King, Thurrock Shopping Park, Weston Avenue, West Thurrock.
(Major development and departure from development plan)
Single storey rear extension.
58 Queen Elizabeth Avenue, East Tilbury.
(Affecting the character of the conservation area)
Lime trees T1 to T8 require pollarding for safety reasons.
St Giles and All Saints Church, High Road, Orsett.
(Affecting the character of the conservation area)
Approximately 60 lime trees within the boundary walls of St Peter's and St Paul's Church require pollarding for safety reasons.
St Peter's and St Paul's Church, Orsett Road, Horndon on the Hill.
(Affecting the character of the conservation area)
Application for outline planning permission with some matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) reserved – proposed development of up to 830 dwellings (Use Class C3) if the Lower Thames Crossing is constructed (scenario 1) and up to 1,000 dwellings (Use Class C3) if the Lower Thames Crossing does not proceed (scenario 2), a new local road network including a vehicular / pedestrian railway crossing, a primary school, local centre and new areas of open space, including formal recreation.
Land For development, Muckingford Road, Linford.
(Includes an Environmental Statement)
(Development affecting a public footpath)
(Major development and departure from development plan)
(Affecting the character of the conservation area)
(Affecting a Listed Building)
Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection
Thurrock Council
Civic Offices
New Road
RM17 6SL