Public notice

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Town and Country Planning

The following application(s) have been received. Any representations thereon should be delivered to the Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection at the address below within 21 days of advertisement publication.

Outline application with the matter of scale for determination for the demolition of the existing 2-storey dental clinic and all outbuildings and the erection of three new-build detached dwellings.
Sunnyside Dental Clinic 55 High Road Orsett.
(Affecting the character of the conservation area) (For information only)

Proposed construction a new cable tunnel beneath the River Thames between Tilbury and Gravesend to provide additional transmission capacity. Above-ground infrastructure in the form of a new Cable Sealing End compound and a new head house building along with associated electricity infrastructure, access, parking, boundary treatment and two overhead gantry structures for future overhead lines. Temporary compound for the duration of the project to provide parking, staff welfare facilities, delivery vehicle parking, and equipment and machinery storage, including boundary treatment and lighting.
Land to the south of National Grid's electrical substation for new cable tunnel, Fort Road, Tilbury.
(Development affecting a public footpath)
(Includes an Environmental Statement)
(Major development and departure from development plan)

Demolition of existing dwelling and commercial buildings and construction of two new dwellings.
Bulphan Service Station, Elmdale, Brentwood Road, Bulphan.
(For information only)
(Departure from the development plan)

Erection of two 4-bedroom detached dwellinghouses with vehicular access, parking provision, boundary treatment and associated landscaping and division of plot. Demolition of existing outbuildings.
Land to rear of Conifers Brentwood Road and adjacent Orchard House, Peartree Lane, Bulphan.
(Departure from the development plan)

Application for the variation of condition 7 (working hours) of planning permission ref 11/50327/TTGFUL (planning application for a change of use of land and a building to permit the importation and bagging of aggregates, construction of aggregate storage bays, erection of three aggregate loading hoppers and installation of a one tonne and a 25kg bagging plant, with associated car and lorry parking facilities).
Tarmac Topblock Ltd, Buckingham Hill Road, Linford.
(Major development and departure from development plan)

Restoration of the bell tower including refurbishment of the existing brackets for the tower bell, repair to the bell itself, refelting of the roof and like for like replacement of any rotted timber framing around the velux bell tower access point.
Little Belhus House, Little Belhus Close, South Ockendon.
(Listed building application)

Change of use from agricultural land to sports playing pitches.
Field adjacent East Tilbury Junior School, Princess Margaret Road, East Tilbury.
(Major development)

Assistant Director of Planning, Transport and Public Protection
Thurrock Council
Civic Offices
New Road
RM17 6SL

Publication date: 
Thursday 1 February 2024