Ferry services

Tilbury to Gravesend

From April 2024, the Tilbury-Gravesend ferry will not operate until further notice.

There are regular bus services that you can use to travel between Gravesend and Thurrock.

Bus services from Gravesend via Bluewater to Chafford Hundred

Route Destinations Company Timetables
B Gravesend to Temple Hill via Bluewater Arriva Timetable
X80 Bluewater to Lakeside Bus Station and Chafford Hundred Station Ensignbus Timetable

Bus services from Lakeside Bus Station

From Lakeside Bus Station you can get buses to towns in Thurrock, Essex and Greater London – go to Thurrock bus timetables.

Train services from Chafford Hundred Station

From Chafford Hundred Station you can get trains to London Fenchurch Street via Ockendon and Upminster, or go towards Southend via Grays, Tilbury, East Tilbury and Stanford-le-Hope. Change at Grays for connections to Purfleet. For train timetables, go to the c2c rail website.

Travelling from Tilbury to Gravesend

You can travel from Tilbury to Gravesend using train and bus routes above, going in the opposite direction. Use the links above to get the latest timetable information.