Freedom of information response
Adult Social Care - Joint Funding
1. Please provide the contact details for the DASS in your local authority.
2. Please provide the contact details for the portfolio holder for Adult Social Care (if applicable).
3. Who provides your main operational system for Case Management ?
4. How many current care packages per week does the local authority contribute some or all of the cost towards ?
5. What is your Annual cost of this care provided by the Local Authority ( for the last full year 2022/23) ?
6. How many of these current care packages are jointly funded with an ICB (both those under s.117 of the Mental Health Act and those funding under the Care Act because they do not meet CHC eligibility). ?
7. What is the Annual cost of care provided by ICBs for these cases?
8. Which ICBs cover the Local Authority Area ?
9. Does the Local Authority have one ICB it mainly jointly funds with and if so which is it ?
10. Does the Local Authority have a Joint Funding Policy with one or more of the ICBs.
11. Please provide a copy of it.
12. Does the Local Authority have a Joint Funding Tool or documented methodology for calculating funding splits ?
1. Please provide the contact details for the DASS in your local authority. Ian Wake –
2. Please provide the contact details for the portfolio holder for Adult Social Care (if applicable). N/A
3. Who provides your main operational system for Case Management ? Liquidlogic Adults System (LAS) provided by System C
4. How many current care packages per week does the local authority contribute some or all of the cost towards ? As at 18th April 24 we have a total of 1969 individuals with care packages in LAS
5. What is your Annual cost of this care provided by the Local Authority ( for the last full year 2022/23) ? GROSS Cost £51,471,673.00
6. How many of these current care packages are jointly funded with an ICB (both those under s.117 of the Mental Health Act and those funding under the Care Act because they do not meet CHC eligibility). ? 39
7. What is the Annual cost of care provided by ICBs for these cases? £1,656,101.72 (£31,848.11pw) This is the ICB’s contribution to us for a year.
8. Which ICBs cover the Local Authority Area? Mid and South Essex ICB
9. Does the Local Authority have one ICB it mainly jointly funds with and if so which is it? Mid and South Essex ICB
10. Does the Local Authority have a Joint Funding Policy with one or more of the ICBs. No
11. Please provide a copy of it. N/A
12. Does the Local Authority have a Joint Funding Tool or documented methodology for calculating funding splits?
There is a CHC verification panel and a joint funding process in place. Following a CHC Decision Support Tool (DST) completion , if the multi-disciplinary team ( MDT ) disagree on the DST outcome , discussion is had between members of the MDT but if the MDFT remain in disagreement , the adult social care practitioner is required to outline their area of disagreement with rational and evidence in the form of a care plan , this information is than forwarded to a joint funding panel for consideration, myself and a senior CHC officer sits on this panel . The panel considers all information provided ; agreement of joint funding percentage is than decided based on analysing the submitted information and the decision is based on task and although there is not primary health need identified , consideration is given to health-related needs and time to task is calculated arriving at a percentage.
There is a local CHC verification panel and a joint funding process in place. Formal disputes are sent to retrospect and appeals team Mid Essex.