Freedom of information response

Bridges/Tunnels Maintenance and Management Software

Publication date: 
Tuesday 5 March 2024

1. What software you are using for your Bridges maintenance/management? 
2. What software you are using for your Tunnels maintenance/management?

For each of the above please can you provide the following details:

What is the annual spend on each of these software contracts?
What are the start date & duration of each of these software contracts?
Is there an extension clause in each of these software contracts and, if so, the duration of the extension?
Has a decision been made yet on whether each of these software contracts are being either extended or renewed? 
Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for each of these software contracts?


Your request and Our Response

  1. What software you are using for your Bridges maintenance/management?

Bridge Station

  1. What software you are using for your Tunnels maintenance/management?

Bridge Station

For each of the above please can you provide the following details:

What is the annual spend on each of these software contracts?

Council spend is publicly available on our payments to suppliers list which can be located using the following web link Payments to suppliers | What we spend | Thurrock Council Please refer to August 2023 the company is FSW IT Solutions Ltd.

What are the start date & duration of each of these software contracts?

We pay annually and procure annually, so there is no long term agreement in place

Is there an extension clause in each of these software contracts and, if so, the duration of the extension?


Has a decision been made yet on whether each of these software contracts are being either extended or renewed?


Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for each of these software contracts?

This role is undertaken by the Head of Highways Infrastructure. The name of the officer is withheld under Section 40 (Data Protection) exemption, please see below.

Section 40 (2)

Unfortunately we are unable to provide in full the information you have requested.  We do hold the information but an absolute exemption applies.  Personal Information (Section 40,2) 

Personal data of any other person (third party data) is exempt under section 40(2) if disclosure would breach one of the data protection principles. This aspect of Section 40 is an Absolute Exemption and is therefore not subject to the Public Interest Test. 

The names of officers working for the Council is personal data specific to them. It is therefore subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. Information can be withheld if its disclosure would be likely to breach one or more of the Principles of the Data Protection Act. There is no prior expectation on the part of team Managers (or other officers working below the level of Director) that their names and job titles / positions would be published into the wider public domain under FOI. A disclosure made under FOI constitutes a publication to the world at large. We believe that to disclose this would be likely to breach the first Principle of the Data Protection Act by unfairly contravening their right to privacy and confidentiality in the work place.  

Request reference:
FOI 13482