Freedom of information response

Council data request

Publication date: 
Tuesday 2 April 2024

•    How many staff members are in your council 
•    How many mental health-trained staff members are in your council
•    How many first aid-trained staff members are in your council
•    How many council properties with solar panels installed this year
•    How many total council properties with solar panels installed
•    How many total council properties with renewables installed
•    How many council properties with renewables installed this year
•    How many RIDDOR reportable incidents in council properties
•    How many gas-related incidents in council properties


1) How many staff members are in your council: Headcount as at 03/01/2024 is 2489

2) How many mental health-trained staff members are in your council: Eleven

3) How many first aid-trained staff members are in your council: Seventy-Six

4) How many council properties with solar panels installed this year: 0

5) How many total council properties with solar panels installed: Thurrock Council Housing Assets

7 no blocks / buildings, the identification of Communal or Domestic relates to what supply the solar panels serve.

Kynoch Court main block 1-20 - Communal

Piggs Corner main block 1-55, - Communal

ODonaghue House 15-44 - Communal

Bracelet close 1-12, - Domestic

Bruyns Court - Communal

Alma Court 1-29 – Communal

Oxwich Close 1-16 – Communal/Domestic

6) How many total council properties with renewables installed: 309

7) How many council properties with renewables installed this year

GSHP – Chadwell HRBs – Total properties = 271 individual flats

ASHP – Lowen Road new built = 4 homes

8) How many RIDDOR reportable incidents in council properties: None

9) How many gas-related incidents in council properties: None

Request reference:
FOI 13557