Freedom of information response

Double Yellow Lines Palmerston Road

Publication date: 
Thursday 1 February 2024

Double Yellow Lines Palmerston Road

Because of Planning irregularities and excessive parking over paths along the top end of Palmerston Road Grays, concerns have been raised over the safety of pedestrians forced to use the middle of the road to access Moore Avenue. The Council have put double yellow lines along every curve and bend of the road except the most dangerous stretch of all for vehicles and pedestrians alike.

Who's decision was it to put the double yellow lines along Palmerston Road.

What reason was considered for them being placed there.

If safety was a factor in the decision, why has there been no desire from the Council to make the top end safe as well.


The waiting restrictions in Palmerston Road West Thurrock were not introduced as a safety scheme.

Following discussions with the Council’s Waste and Recycling team, waiting restrictions were proposed at various locations where difficulties of access for the refuse vehicles had been experienced.

To keep these sections of the road clear the Highway Authority advertised “at any time” waiting restrictions for various locations in West Thurrock. Due to the pressure for on street parking in the area these lengths were kept to a minimum in order to cause as little disruption to the residential parking as possible.

Following the Statutory Public Consultation process the Portfolio Holder for Highways (the elected Councillor who is Thurrock Councils Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways) approved the introduction of Traffic Regulation Order enabling these restrictions to become legal.

If residents feel there are further areas where parking restrictions would be appropriate under the criteria of Access, Visibility or Safety then they should request new restrictions to be considered by emailing the Transport Development team via

Request reference:
FOI 13366