Freedom of information response

Library books are overdue at libraries 

Publication date: 
Thursday 25 January 2024

How many library books are overdue at libraries within your council and how much money in fines are Thurrock's libraries owed by people for not returning overdue books?
Can you detail (where possible):
1. Which book has been missing the longest? Inc. Title, author, date it was taken out.
2. How many books in your local authorities' libraries are missing in total?
3. The total figure of money owed in fines for the overdue books?
4. How many copies of books are missing/overdue? e.g. 40 copies of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire missing from Thurrock's libraries.


1. Where's Wally, Martin Handford. Borrowed 30/06/2005.; Mr. Bear's Holiday, Debi Gliori. Borrowed 30/06/2005.

2. As of October 2023: 308

3. Total money owed to Thurrock = £18,270.02

4. Overdue: 20 copies of The diary of a wimpy kid - Jeff Kinney

Missing: 2 copies of Budgerigar - David Alderton

Request reference:
FOI 13336