Freedom of information response

Support for carers

Publication date: 
Tuesday 25 July 2023

Please see attached a list of questions regarding support offered to care leavers in your local authority.


Local Authority Details.

Do you accept responsibility for your local council publishing a care leaver offer? YES

Has your local authority made care experience a protected characteristic? NO

Publishing the Local Offer

Have you published the Local Offer for Care Leavers? YES

If Yes, how

Available on the council website:

Printable format (please attach pdf) YES –

pdf is on link

Online YES

If Yes, where

Downloadable App NO If yes, please give details (Name/publisher)

Have care leavers co-produced the Local Offer YES If yes, please give details

Young people were consulted during the drafting stage of the local offer to provide


Who would you like to be the main contact for your care leavers to contact you?

Name Personal data of any other person (third party data) is exempt under section 40



Who is the Director responsible for Childrens Services?

Name Sheila Murphy


Council Tax exemption

Do you provide council tax exemption for Care Leavers? YES

If yes up to what age


Is this only available to care leavers from your local authority? YES

Please tell us what care leavers must do to apply?

Supported by their PAs as part of their transition into Social Housing.


Do you offer any work experience within your local authority for Care Leavers? YES

If yes, how many per year?

Work Experience this year: 3; 1 of these is 22-24 years old

Work Experience 2022-23: 8 (inc. 2 with Thurrock Council); 2 of these were 22-24 years old

Will your local authority pay for work/interview clothes to help care leavers into work? YES

Will your local authority pay towards travel to work or training for care leavers? YES

Have you ring-fenced any apprentices for Care Leavers NO

Are Care Leavers in your local authority working as apprentices? YES

If yes, how many per year?

Apprenticeships this year: 1

Apprenticeships 2022-2023: 6 (inc. 1 with Thurrock Council); 2 of these were 22-24 years old

Please tell us anything else about work and training that you do to support care leavers?

1.Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG)

Thurrock Inspire Careers offers careers information, advice and guidance to:

• every 13- to 19-year-old

  • anyone with special educational needs up to the age of 25
  • care experienced young people up to the age of 25

Appointments are available 09:30 to 17:00 Tuesday to Friday. Contact is also maintained by phone, text and email. Where face to face contact is needed and the young person is unable to attend the Hubs in Grays and Tilbury, home visits are possible.

  1. VS EET Panel

This brings together the Virtual School, Inspire and Social Care, to facilitate sharing of ideas and joined-up working, to create an individualised support plan for each young person, which will then be reviewed and monitored.

  1. UAS EET Panel

This Panel has recently been instituted and is chaired by Kevin Greenaway (Team Manager, Children Looked After) specifically to target UAS who are NEET or at risk of NEET.

  1. CLA Reviews

A Children Looked After review (CLA review) is a statutory meeting that brings together the key people and professionals who are closely concerned with the care of the child or young person who is Looked After. It's an opportunity to review the child's care plan, discuss the child's progress and plan for the future. From age 16 this is captured in a Pathway Plan which facilitates the young person’s transition to adulthood. Where appropriate, Inspire PAs attend these meetings to provide Information, advice and guidance around education, employment and training opportunities.

  1. PEP Meetings

Personal Educational Plan Meetings bring together the VS, school, social worker, young person and carers, to monitor academic progress and set goals. NEET PEP’s similarly support those young people who are not in education, training and employment. Where appropriate, Inspire PAs attend these meetings to provide Information, advice and guidance around education, employment and training opportunities, and to begin building a relationship with young person.

  1. Post 18 EET Panel

Currently overseen by the manager of the Aftercare Team and the two Senior Practitioners (this management structure is changing), the Post 18 EET Panel mirrors that for young people who are Looked After. Panel meets weekly and is attended by Inspire and Aftercare workers. Aftercare workers present young people who are NEET, or at risk of being NEET, to plan SMART actions to engage the young person, and identify and work towards career goals.

  1. On-Track

On-Track is a European Union Social Fund legacy funded project to provide tailored supported to 15–24-year-olds in Thurrock who are NEET. Participants receive CEIAG and mentoring, and access to a range of accredited courses (such as IT, Social Media, and Customer Service) including Functional Skills English and Maths up to Level 2, for those who need these basic skills to move forward, and training (such as CSCS Card to - work in construction - and Forklift Licence for warehousing). On-Track is available to eligible Looked After Children and Care Leavers who live outside Thurrock.

  1. Make Happen

This is a fixed term project funded by the Office for Students' Uni Connect Programme. It aims to increase awareness and understanding around going to university and degree level apprenticeships, and raise aspirations, by delivering workshops to looked after young people and care leavers (14-18), and to their carers, and by providing 1:1 support to those applying to university. This includes information on the financial support offered to care leavers by Thurrock Council, on university and charity grants and bursaries (such as Unite Foundation, Rees and Sanctuary Scholarships) contextual offers, Access to HE and outreach programmes. 2 workshops will be delivered in July for care experienced young people (one live and one on-line). Similarly, there will be two workshops for foster carers and care providers (one at the foster carers forum and the other on-line).

  1. Multiply

This is a new government funded programme aimed at enabling adults aged 19 and above to improve their numeracy and budgeting skills, opening opportunities in learning and employment, and supporting independent living skills. In Thurrock this is delivered through Inspire by Thurrock Adult Community College. The programme allows considerable flexibility to tailor individualised leaning programmes for care leavers.

  1. Music Studio

The music studio at the Grays Inspire Hub has recently re-opened and provides a space to engage young people and allow then to develop their skills and confidence. An aim is that young people who already have skills and knowledge around music production will be able to train other young people to use the studio facilities

Participation in society

Identification and proof of address

Do you ensure each young person has ID documents when they leave care? YES

If yes, do you provide, pay for and help the young person gain their:

First passport YES

Provisional driving license YES

Birth certificate YES

Getting care leavers on the road

Do you in principle (Accepting this is not always a blanket offer)

assist with driving lessons? YES

assist with theory tests? YES

assist with driving tests? YES

assist with CBT tests? YES

Have local partners supported you with free travel for care leavers? NO

Access to corporate parents

Do care leavers have the opportunity to meet with their corporate parents (councillors) YES

Do care leavers have the opportunity for mentoring with any of the senior leadership team? YES If yes, please give details

Regular opportunities provided for care leavers to meet with the senior management group through workshops/lunches

Children in care and care leavers council

Do you have a children in care and care leaver council YES If yes, please provide details. (how many attend and age groups/contact details)

7 of the members are care leavers. Most have a P.A through Thurrock.

Does your children in care and care leavers council have its own bank account? NO

Does your children and care leavers council have its own constitution? Yes

If yes, please provide details

Constitution of the Children in Care Council in Thurrock 2022

Preamble: We, the children in care of Thurrock, establish this constitution to form a representative body known as the Children in Care Council (hereinafter referred to as "the Council"). We believe that every child in care deserves a voice and the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. This constitution sets out the principles, structure, and functions of the Council, which aims to empower children in care, promote their rights, and ensure their well-being.

Article 1: Name and Purpose 1.1 The Council shall be called the "Children in Care Council in Thurrock" (hereinafter referred to as "the Council"). 1.2 The purpose of the Council is to represent the collective voice of children in care in Thurrock, advocate for their rights, and work collaboratively with relevant authorities to improve their care experiences.

Article 2: Membership 2.1 Membership of the Council is open to all children and young people who are currently in the care of Thurrock local authority, or have at one point been in care in Thurrock. 2.2 Membership shall be voluntary and open to children and young people aged 8 to 25 years. 2.3 The Council shall strive to ensure diversity and inclusivity by welcoming members from various backgrounds, including different ages, genders, ethnicities, and care placements. Article 3: Structure and Governance 3.1 The Council shall be governed by a Steering Committee elected from among the Council members. 3.2 The Steering Committee shall consist of: a) Chairperson: responsible for leading Council meetings and representing the Council externally. b) Vice Chairperson: supports the Chairperson and assumes their duties in their absence. c) Secretary: responsible for coordinating meetings, maintaining records, and communication. d) Treasurer: responsible for managing any funds allocated to the Council. 3.3 The Steering Committee members shall serve for a term of one year and may be re-elected for subsequent terms. 3.4 The Council shall hold monthly general meetings to discuss issues, make decisions, and plan activities. The frequency of these meetings shall be determined by the Council members. 3.5 Decisions shall be made by consensus whenever possible. In the event of a vote, a simple majority shall prevail.

Article 4: Functions and Responsibilities 4.1 The Council shall have the following functions and responsibilities: a) Represent the views, concerns, and aspirations of children in care to relevant authorities. b) Influence policies, practices, and decision-making processes that affect children in care. c) Consult and engage with children in care to seek their opinions on matters concerning their well-being and care experiences. d) Organize and participate in events, activities, and projects that promote the well-being of children in care. e) Collaborate with professionals, foster carers, and other relevant stakeholders to improve the care system. f) Provide support, advice, and mentoring to children in care, fostering a sense of empowerment and resilience. g) Promote awareness and understanding of the rights and needs of children in care within the community. Article 5: Funding 5.1 The Council may seek funding from various sources, including the Thurrock local authority, grants, sponsorships, and donations. 5.2 All funds received shall be managed by the Council's Treasurer and used solely for activities and initiatives that benefit children in care. Article 6: Amendments to the Constitution 6.1 This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote at a Council meeting. 6.2 Proposed amendments must be communicated to the Council members at least two weeks prior to the meeting where the vote will take place. Article 7: Dissolution 7.1 The Council may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote.

Health and wellbeing

Do care leavers get free access to leisure facilities as part of the local offer? NO

Do care leavers have access to a free gym membership? NO

Do care leavers has access to free swimming? NO

Do care leavers have access to free classes? NO

If yes, up to what age?

If care leavers get free access to leisure facilities, can they take a friend for free? NO

Who can care leavers contact to apply? Not applicable

Special occasions

Do you pay anything towards Christmas and other religious celebrations for care leavers? YES If yes, please provide details.

Financial support provided on an individual basis as a discretionary payment.

Do you pay anything towards birthday celebrations for care leavers? YES If yes, please provide details.

Financial support provided for birthdays as part of the local offer

Mentoring schemes

Do you have peer mentors (other care leavers)? NO

Do you have any other mentoring schemes Yes If yes, please provide details.

Open Door Mentoring and Coaching

Open Door offers a range of mentoring and coaching services to support a young person who may be experiencing difficulties for a number of different reasons. We offer a goal focused approach which covers many issues such as nonattendance at school, social isolation, anxiety and behavioural issues.

Mentoring and coaching also provides a role model approach and where appropriate we will always try to match a mentor to a mentee when requested. We now are able to offer mentoring in three different areas:

  • Mentoring and Coaching / Aged 8 – 18

The young person must have social care involvement

  • Mentoring and Coaching / Post 18

The client must have an aftercare worker

  • Mentoring and Coaching / Aged 8-18

The young person is referred via the virtual school

Access to care files

Do young people have to go through the complaints department to access their care files? NO Do those that access their files get emotional support before, during and after disclosure? YES If yes, please give details

Support provided from the After Care Team/Personal Advisor.


Do care leavers get priority banding for social housing? YES If yes, up to what age do they get priority

25 Priority need
If yes, what banding priority do they get?

Band B

Please tell us any further details on how they qualify and what they should do?

Supported by their Personal Advisor – priority banding will be automatically applied for care leavers as part of the usual process for social housing application

Do care leavers get to practice independent living with short term taster flats (practice flats) YES

Private rental sector.

(Accepting this is not always a blanket offer)

Do you in principle assist with:

acting as a guarantor for care leavers in private rented property? NO

providing a deposit for care leavers in private rented property? YES

setting up home allowance

Do you provide care leavers with a setting up allowance? YES
If yes, how much? £3000

Would you in principle assist with:

(Accepting this is not always a blanket offer)

support to pay at least the first year TV License for care leavers? YES

support to pay at least the first-year home contents insurance? NO

support to pay for redecoration costs of a care leavers first flat? YES

support with broadband costs for care leavers? NO

support with mobile phone costs for care leavers? YES

Will your local authority pay towards cooking equipment? YES

Unfortunately we are unable to provide in full the information you have requested. We do hold the information but an absolute exemption applies. Personal Information (Section 40,2)

Personal data of any other person (third party data) is exempt under section 40(2) if disclosure would breach one of the data protection principles. This aspect of Section 40 is an Absolute Exemption and is therefore not subject to the Public Interest Test.

The names of officers working for the Council is personal data specific to them. It is therefore subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. Information can be withheld if its disclosure would be likely to breach one or more of the Principles of the Data Protection Act. There is no prior expectation on the part of team Managers (or other officers working below the level of Director) that their names and job titles / positions would be published into the wider public domain under FOI. A disclosure made under FOI constitutes a publication to the world at large. We believe that to disclose this would be likely to breach the first Principle of the Data Protection Act by unfairly contravening their right to privacy and confidentiality in the work place.

If you are dissatisfied with the way in which the council have managed your FOI request you can pursue an Internal Review by contacting us using the above email address. An internal review must be submitted within 40 working days of your original reply. Your request will be considered by a senior member of the Information Management Team who will update you with the outcome of the review.

If you remain unhappy following the outcome of your Internal Review you may wish to refer your case to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and details of this organisation can be found at . Please be advised that the ICO will not consider your case until they have confirmation that you have already been through the Internal Review stage with the council.

Request reference:
FOI 13006