Freedom of information response

Temporary Accommodation Providers

Publication date: 
Wednesday 22 May 2024


Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used caravans and/or holiday parks to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer.

By presenting as homeless, I mean people who have presented to the council as homeless, and who the council has a duty to house, and therefore provided temporary accommodation before finding more secure housing.


If yes, please can you also provide:

The name of the caravan/holiday park accommodation provider

The amount paid by the council to the caravan/holiday park accommodation provider per financial year

The number of people housed in caravans/holiday park accommodation


Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used hotels to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer.


If yes, please can you also provide:

The name of the hotel accommodation provider

The amount paid by the council to the accommodation provider per financial year

The number of people in hotel accommodation


Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council provided tents to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer.


If yes, please can you also provide:

The total costs spent on tents per financial year

The number of people to have received tents



Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used caravans and/or holiday parks to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer.  No

By presenting as homeless, I mean people who have presented to the council as homeless, and who the council has a duty to house, and therefore provided temporary accommodation before finding more secure housing.


If yes, please can you also provide:

The name of the caravan/holiday park accommodation provider

The amount paid by the council to the caravan/holiday park accommodation provider per financial year

The number of people housed in caravans/holiday park accommodation  N/A


Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council used hotels to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer.  Yes


If yes, please can you also provide:

The name of the hotel accommodation provider Premier Inn and Stifford Clays Farmhouse Hotel

The amount paid by the council to the accommodation provider per financial year Commercially sensitive - exempt

The number of people in hotel accommodation  Currently 8


Between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2023, has your council provided tents to provide temporary accommodation to people presenting as homeless. Please provide a Yes/No answer.  No


If yes, please can you also provide:

The total costs spent on tents per financial year

The number of people to have received tents  N/A

Request reference:
FOI 13822