Freedom of information response

Total Amount of Council Tax Credits and Overpayments

Publication date: 
Friday 2 February 2024

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request data on the total amount of credits and overpayments (£) held in CLOSED council tax accounts by the council between the tax years for 2021/22 and 2022/23. I am also requesting the total number of such accounts in the same period.

Please provide the information in the form of a simple table with the Tax Year, Number of closed accounts in credit, and Total credits/overpayments (£).

If it is not possible to provide a breakdown of credits by financial year and they are instead only recorded on a rolling basis, could I get the total value of current credits (£) and the total number of accounts in credit as of the current date.

I am also requesting the main reasons why residents have overpaid on their council tax during these periods.


Accounts closed in year ending

Number of accounts

Current total credits/overpayments

31 March 2022



31 March 2023



The main reasons for these credits are:

  1. Cases where the payer has vacated with no forwarding address or point of contact and waiting further investigation in order to action refund  
  1. Cases where a refund claim form has been requested in order to action refund.
Request reference:
FOI 13369