Modern slavery


Modern slavery is a crime.

Modern slavery includes:

  • human trafficking
  • slavery
  • forced labour
  • forced domestic servitude

Victims of modern slavery are held against their will and forced into a life of abuse, inhumane treatment and servitude, which can include sexual exploitation. Victims are often unseen and unheard.

It can affect men, women and children of all races, cultures, nationalities and ages. Victims may be trafficked within the UK or to the UK from abroad.

They may be forced into slavery by organised crime groups. In many cases the first contact with a trafficker begins with the offer of an apparently legitimate job for which the victim travels willingly, not aware of what awaits them. Other individuals may be entered into slavery by their own families or through family connections, often for domestic servitude.

Go to GOV.UK: Modern slavery for more information.

Statement of commitment

In remembrance and testimony to those who tragically lost their lives at the hands of organised immigration crime, Thurrock stands united in its commitment to prevent modern day slavery and human trafficking in all its forms by providing support and protection for victims and prosecution of those who see our fellow human beings as mere commodities for trade and exploitation.