Purfleet-on-Thames growth

Purfleet-on-Thames name change

The name of the town of Purfleet has been changed formally to Purfleet-on-Thames.

This change was agreed at a meeting of Council on 29 January 2020 (item 94). It followed a public consultation that was open from 22 July 2019 to 13 October 2019. The consultation received 185 responses, of which 84% said the name should be changed to Purfleet-on-Thames.

Before this, on 30 January 2019, a petition from 611 residents of Purfleet had been presented to Council, asking that the name of the town be changed to Purfleet-on-Thames.

Making the change

The town name has been changed from Purfleet to Purfleet-on-Thames on websites, computer systems, documents and most signs, both locally and nationally.

During the consultation, residents were concerned about the possible cost of renaming the town. Representatives of Purfleet-on-Thames Community Forum agreed that, where possible, the name change should be included in routine updates to signs rather than at a separate cost. This means some signs may not yet be updated.

Your postal address

Residents and businesses can use Purfleet-on-Thames as the town name in postal addresses.

Purfleet-on-Thames is the correct formal name but letters will still be delivered if 'Purfleet' is used. This already happens when 'Chadwell' is used instead of Chadwell St Mary, or 'Horndon' is used instead of Horndon on the Hill.

Updates to computer systems, including national lists of postal addresses, have taken place. However, you may still receive some mail that has 'Purfleet' in the address, particularly from organisations that keep their own records of postal addresses rather than using a national list.

When addressing letters, it’s most important to include the correct building number or name, street name and postcode.

There will be no change to the name of 'Purfleet Road' in Aveley.