Adoption support for birth parents and relatives


Support is available for birth parents and relatives of children who have been adopted, including those who are now adults.

Support from PAC-UK

PAC-UK is the country's largest independent adoption support agency. It provides specialist support to birth parents and relatives who are affected by adoption and other types of permanent placement in Thurrock. You can contact the PAC-UK advice line, below.

PAC-UK adoption and permanency support – advice line

: London office 020 7284 5879

PAC-UK advice lines are open during limited hours on weekdays and weekday evenings. Check current London office advice line hours on the PAC-UK website.

PAC-UK counselling service

PAC-UK also offers its counselling services to birth parents and relatives via a referral from our Adoption Team.

To find out more about this, contact our post-adoption support duty social worker below.

Post-adoption support

: 01375 652 647
