Littering and litter bins

Litter bins

We empty street litter bins around the borough on a 10 working-day schedule.

If a bin is full, please either dispose of your litter at the next available bin or take it home with you. If you see littering at an overflowing bin, you can report it online.

You can use street litter bins to dispose of dog waste if the waste has been tied in a plastic bag.

Report a damaged litter bin

You can report a damaged litter bin to us.

This form below is for street litter bins only – if you need to report damage to your household wheeled bin, go to request a new bin.

Report a damaged litter bin

Recycling on the move

Don't forget that you can recycle whilst on the move. We have installed dual recycling and litter bins in a number of different locations in the borough.

In the blue side of the bin the following items can be deposited for recycling:

  • drink cans
  • glass bottles
  • plastic bottles
  • clean paper, newspapers and magazines

The black side is for other waste such as:

  • crisp packets
  • wrappers
  • cigarettes
  • chewing gum
  • sandwich packets
  • dog waste in tied plastic bags

Please use these bins to recycle whenever you see them.