Littering and litter bins


If you drop litter, you could receive a £500 fixed penalty notice or be taken to court and fined up to £2,500.

Litter includes cigarette butts, crisp packets, cans and other discarded items – it is unsightly, attracts vermin, and makes an area looked uncared for.

Our enforcement officers work around the borough, looking for people who drop litter, and will take action where necessary.

Report online

You should tell us if you see someone littering. Provide as much information as possible, such as what happened, where it happened, a description of the person dropping litter and their vehicle, if applicable. Do not confront the person yourself.

You can also report large amounts of litter or regular problems with littering using the form below. Use this form only for litter around public roads, parks and overflowing bins for which we are responsible. We do not collect litter from private roads or National Highways roads.

Report litter

Highway litter

National Highways roads and private roads

We are responsible for the maintenance, repair and cleaning of most roads in Thurrock, including footways. We are not responsible for:

  • private roads – these are the responsibility of their residents
  • National Highways roads

You should contact National Highways (formerly 'Highways England') for matters concerning:

  • A13 – from M25 junction 30 to the Tilbury slip road and to the A1089
  • A1089 Dock Approach Road, Tilbury – from the A13 to Asda roundabout
  • St Andrew's Road, Tilbury – from Asda roundabout to Tilbury Dock gate

If you see litter on National Highways roads, report it direct to their contractor, Connect Plus Services:

Connect Plus Services


To complain about litter cleaning on National Highways roads, contact National Highways directly.