Public rights of way

Public rights of way map information

You can use our public rights of way map online to check the location of footpaths, bridleways and byways in Thurrock.

Whilst we make every effort to keep this map up-to-date, it must not be used as the definitive map or a true legal record.

Public rights of way map

How to use the public rights of way map

When the map first opens you will see an outline of the whole borough. A grey bar at the top of the screen shows ' – public rights of way' on the left, and has 3 symbols on the right. These symbols control the information you can show on the map, as described below.

Finding a street and zooming in

In the top-left corner of the map there is a search box you can use to find an individual property, street, or postcode area in Thurrock. Use the [+] and [–] controls to zoom in and out of the map. Beneath the zoom controls is a button with a picture of a house, which zooms back to the original full outline of the whole borough.

Display rights of way information

The symbols in the top-right corner of the grey bar can be used to overlay rights of way information on the map. They are as follows.

Symbol How it works

Visible layers – use this symbol to show a list of the information and images you can choose to overlay on the map. Items in the list are shown as a small box with a layer name next to it.

If you click the layer name you will see information below it that shows what will appear on the map. It could be a line to highlight a particular type of public right of way, or it could be an aerial photograph. You can show or remove a layer by clicking on the small box to add or remove its tick.

Key to active layers – use this symbol to show a list of the layers currently overlaid on the map. The only layer displayed when you first open the map is the outline around the boundary of Thurrock. You can use the 'Visible layers' symbol (above) to add or remove other layers of information.

About this map – use this symbol for links that can take you to back this web page and to other public rights of way pages.

Download a map

You can also download a map of public rights of way within Thurrock.

This version of the map was last updated in 2014. We no longer produce printed maps.