
Tree preservation orders

We are able to protect trees by making a tree preservation order (TPO). TPOs make it an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or wilfully destroy a tree without our permission.

All types of trees may be covered by a TPO. We have over 400 TPOs across Thurrock, which may relate to individual trees, groups of trees, woodlands, and in some circumstances all trees within a specified area.

Hedges, bushes and shrubs cannot be covered, although individual trees and groups of trees within a hedge may be preserved.

There are special provisions to protect trees within Conservation Areas. Where this is the case you must give 6 weeks notice of your intent to carry out tree works by completing an application form.

For more information, go to GOV.UK: tree preservation orders and trees in conservation areas.

Protected tree and hedgerow applications online

You can apply online to work on a protected tree or for a hedgerow removal notice. This is the quickest and simplest way to apply. Applications are made via the national Planning Portal.

When using the Planning Portal, you will first be asked to give a name and location. If the location is in Thurrock, the application will be sent to us automatically.

You will then be asked to select an application type from a list. Go to the end of this list to select either 'Hedgerow removal notice' or 'Tree works', listed under 'Other consents'

Planning Portal – applications

For more information, go to Planning Portal: consent under tree preservation orders.

Other forms

If you wish, you can also apply by downloading one of the forms below. You should send completed forms and supporting evidence to us by email.

Development Management


Current tree preservation orders

TPOs are shown on our planning constraints map – read how to use the planning constraints map.

Planning constraints map

A search of the local land charges register can be made before you purchase a property. This should reveal whether there is a TPO relating to the land.

Go to GOV.UK: appeal a decision about a tree preservation order for information on appeals.

Tree services
Thurrock Council, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL
