What's on at your library

Grays Library, lunchtime closure Monday 23 September

Grays Library will be closed between 1pm and 2pm on Monday 23 September. The publicly available computers will be closed down at 12:45pm and will be available again when the library reopens at 2pm.

Children's Winter Mini Challenge

During school holidays, children's reading skills can 'dip'. Reading Challenges encourage children to continue reading for enjoyment outside the classroom. They also help families and teachers provide free-to-access fun activities over the holiday.

Take part in the mini challenge at winter

At winter time, The Reading Agency turns its Summer Reading Challenge website into a Winter Mini Challenge.

The Winter Mini Challenge is a free online reading challenge where children can take part, find fun activities and earn rewards for reading.

How to take part

The Winter Mini Challenge usually takes place from December through to February,

When the Reading Agency's Summer Reading Challenge website changes to the The Reading Agency: Winter Mini Challenge, you can sign-up to take part in the challenge.

As well as taking part online, children can ask at Thurrock libraries for Mini Challenge quiz sheets.

Children who complete the Winter Mini Challenge online will be sent a link to download their personal certificate.

Boost your reading for the Winter Mini Challenge by borrowing books from any Thurrock library.