Youth cabinet

Thurrock Youth Cabinet

Thurrock Youth Cabinet is a group of young people aged 11 to 18 – or up to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities – who work to make Thurrock a better place for young people. It is run by young people, for young people.

Youth Cabinet members represent Thurrock young people by:

  • discussing issues affecting young people in Thurrock
  • share their views and opinions with decision-makers

Thurrock Youth Cabinet is supported by the Thurrock Youth and Outdoor Education team. You can find out more about the Youth and Outdoor Education team's work by checking what's on for young people.

Youth Cabinet members

The Youth Cabinet is made up of young people from across the borough who live in different communities and attend various schools and colleges in Thurrock.

A core group of young people is selected through an election process within schools, but all are welcome to get involved.

Thurrock Youth Cabinet can take up to 25 members and has 3 elected roles. These roles and their current holders are as follows.

Role Elected holder
Member of Youth Parliament George Hare
Chairperson Mollie Quincey
Vice-chairperson Mikael Mamoon
Wellbeing officer Efe Donker
Crime and Safety officer Lionel Mazithulela
Environment officer Maria Zielinska
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Officer Ashley Palipana

These roles are re-elected to once the term for each post has ended. All youth cabinet members are welcome to stand for these posts at the appropriate time.

How it works

Thurrock Youth Cabinet works by:

  • holding monthly meetings with guest speakers covering different youth issues
  • attending workshops that bring plans, projects and campaigns to life
  • gathering young people's views through questionnaires
  • campaigning on issues that affect young people
  • meeting councillors, council officers and other decision-makers to give their views and raise concerns of young people
  • informing the council's strategic planning and decision-making process
  • liaising with agencies that provide services for young people and giving feedback or recommendations on proposed projects
  • attending and organising events

Youth Cabinet members represent young people within their communities and schools. They work actively to make sure their voices are heard and their opinions acted upon.

How to get involved

Email us for more information if you would like to represent Thurrock as a Youth Cabinet member and you're a young person who is:

  • aged between 11 years-old to 18 years-old
  • living in Thurrock
  • attending a Thurrock secondary school or college
Thurrock Youth Cabinet


You can keep up-to-date with Youth Cabinet news and opportunities for young people in general by signing-up for Thurrock Council email updates and choosing to receive the 'Inspire Bulletin'.