Current development plan

Minerals and waste

The development plan for Thurrock includes the GOV.UK: National planning policy for waste together with local adopted policies.

Current planning policy for waste

Our development plan for waste is our adopted Core Strategy and Policies for Management of Development.

The waste policies in this plan are:

  • CSTP29 – Waste strategy
  • CSTP30 – Regional waste apportionment

Other policies in the plan may be relevant to planning applications for waste development in Thurrock.

Current planning policy for minerals

Our development plan for minerals is comprised of:

The minerals development policies in the Core Strategy are:

  • CSTP31 – Provision of minerals
  • CSTP32 – Safeguarding minerals resources

These will remain the adopted policies for minerals until the new local plan is adopted.

Local aggregate assessment

The GOV.UK: National planning policy framework says we must plan for a steady and adequate supply of aggregates. Local aggregate assessments have been undertaken for the area of Essex County Council, Southend-on-Sea Borough Council and Thurrock Council – together referred to as 'Greater Essex'.

Local aggregate assessment reports are produced and published by Essex County Council. Each one is dated with the year it was produced but reports on the calendar year before. For example, a report dated 'December 2019' would cover the assessment period from 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2018.

You can download all Greater Essex Local Aggregate Assessment reports from Essex County Council: Minerals and waste planning policy.