Unregistered childcare
Childcare offered by registered childcare providers is known as 'approved childcare'. You may be able to get help paying for childcare is you use a registered childcare provider.
You can choose to use an unregistered childcare provider but you would not be able to get help with payments. Types of unregistered childcare include the following.
Home childcare (nanny)
Home childcare is when you employ someone to care for your children at home. The person you employ does not need to have qualifications. However, anyone offering home childcare can choose to be registered on the voluntary part of Ofsted's childcare register.
For more advice, go to GOV.UK: Employing someone to work in your home.
Parent and toddler groups
Parent and toddler groups are not childcare. They are drop-in sessions for children and their parents or carers. As parents and carers stay with their children, these groups do not have to be registered with Ofsted.
Activity-based or club-based childcare
Care provided from children over 5 years-old at activity sessions or clubs, such as sports clubs or leisure activities, does not need to be registered with Ofsted. However, if activity-based childcare is provided in sessions lasting 2 hours or longer, it can be registered on the voluntary part of Ofsted's childcare register.
Find unregistered childcare, groups and activities
You can search for an unregistered provider in Thurrock by using: