Get involved in planning

Get involved in the Local Plan

There are several ways you can get involved in the preparation of new planning policies and guidance.

Have your say online

If you would like to take part in online consultations about proposals for our Local Plan, you can register your interest. You don't have to register to take part, but by doing so you will receive emails telling you when new consultations begin. Go to have my say: register.

Details of all public consultations are published online – go to have my say.

Group meetings

We've set-up working groups where residents, developers and young people can meet to support the making of our Local Plan. These groups are:

  • Your Place, Your Voice Community Panels
  • Local Plan Developer Forum
  • Local Plan Youth Cabinet Working Group

Places at group meetings are limited. If you are interested in joining one of these groups, please contact us below.

Local Plan planning performance agreements

Local Plan planning performance agreements (PPA) are a framework for agreeing how to assess potential development sites through the plan-making process. These are voluntary agreements that we make with site promoters, such as landowners.

A Local Plan PPA doesn't guarantee a site will be allocated in the emerging Local Plan, but it does help both parties to work together in a more constructive, collaborative and open way.

When considering which sites to include within the emerging Local Plan, we must carry out a full analysis of issues and opportunities. Our analysis must consider the individual sites and the overall effect of several sites on communities, businesses and the environment.

We strongly encourage using the Local Plan PPA process as it helps with both the analysis and bringing it to a positive conclusion. For more information, contact us below.

Local Plan planning performance agreements
