Thurrock facts and statistics

Employment and income

Thurrock was seen historically as an area of ingrained poverty, but statistics are beginning to tell a different story.

Employment and unemployment details are reported in the Office for National Statistics: labour market profile for Thurrock.

Employment status, aged 16 to 64 Thurrock East region Great Britain
Economically active in employment, January 2021 to December 2021 75.9% 77.1% 74.6%
Economically active but unemployed, January 2021 to December 2021 4.9% 4.1% 4.8%
Benefits claimants, February 2022 4.5% 3.7% 4.4%

Details of average weekly earnings come from the Office of National Statistics' annual survey of hours and earnings, 2021.

Average weekly earnings Thurrock East region UK
People who work in the area £613.60 £601.90 £612.80
People who are residents in the area £670.60 £628.60 £613.10

Details of work places come from the Office of National Statistics annual population survey, 2011.

Place of work Total
Thurrock residents who live and work in Thurrock 43,076
People who work in Thurrock but commute from other areas 19,141
Thurrock residents who commute to other areas for work 31,956

More information

Download a summary of population breakdown, mental health and Universal Credit claims.