Volunteering with the council

Essential information

When volunteering with us, you should keep in mind the points below.


If you can't attend your volunteering session due to an illness or accident you should tell your volunteer manager as soon as possible, before you were due to start. If you are going away on holiday you should try to give plenty of notice so that cover can be arranged.


You may have access to confidential information that you must not share with anyone. You will have to comply with data protection legislation – anyone not complying may have to leave immediately. You will be asked to complete training before access to information is given.

Dress code

Clothing must be appropriate to the area in which you volunteer, and be suitable for the weather conditions if necessary. Ask your volunteer manager for guidance.

Equality and diversity

We have an equal opportunities policy. This means that no employee or volunteer will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, religion, ethnic or national origins, sex, marital status, sexual orientation or disability. All staff members and volunteers must adhere to the policy.


You will be reimbursed for any out-of-pocket expenses, including travel and other reasonable expenses. We can only do this if you have kept the receipts or records of what you have paid. The expense will need to have been agreed with your volunteer manager in advance.

Fire procedures

Your volunteer manager will explain the fire evacuation procedures for your area. You will need to know the locations of fire exits, alarms, extinguishers and assembly points.

First aid

You will be told the names of our trained first aiders, and how to contact them. They will take charge of the situation if someone has an accident.

Health and safety

We will make sure that you are in a safe environment with as few risks as possible. You are responsible for being aware of your surroundings and practicing safe volunteering. During your induction you will be told about any health and safety information specific to your role and environment.

Leaving the council

When you decide to end your volunteering with us, we thank you for the time you have given. As a volunteer you are able to leave your role at any time, but please let your volunteer manager know as soon as possible so they can arrange cover.

Problems and complaints

If you have any problems while you are volunteering you should speak to your volunteer manager in the first instance. We make every effort to settle disputes or grievances fairly and amicably.


You must immediately report any concerns you may have about the welfare of a child or young person, either to your volunteer manager or our Initial Response Team.

Children's Services initial response
Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, RM17 6SL

: 01375 652 802

: thurrockmash@thurrock.gov.uk

Emergency contact outside of office hours

: 01375 372 468

For use outside of normal office hours:

  • Monday to Thursday, 5pm to 9am
  • Friday, from 5pm through the weekend until 9am on Monday
  • public holidays

Speak with your volunteer manager or contact our designated officer, below, if you have concerns about staff or volunteers working with children or young people.

Safeguarding children – Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

: 01375 652 921