After you make a planning application

Step 7 - amendments may be negotiated

We may wish to negotiate on some points of the application to reach a positive decision wherever possible.

The following principles will be applied to minimise delay in reaching a decision:

  • where the development is considered unacceptable in principle, we will not seek to negotiate on matters of detail
  • there will normally only be one opportunity for amendments to be made before proceeding to a decision
  • in asking for amendments, we will give an assessment of the proposal and its relationship with the surrounding area and may summarise any relevant third party comments
  • we will set a time limit for the submission of amended plans
  • we will make a judgement on whether amended plans should be the subject of further consultation and neighbour notification, and will do this where practical
  • where we consider a proposal is unacceptable and that a necessary amendment would profoundly change the nature or content of the scheme, you may be asked to withdraw the application and make a fresh submission, otherwise a decision will be made on the basis of the application as it stands

We recommend that you contact us before to making your planning application to discuss your proposal via the pre-application advice service.