Bus operators

Bus operators in Thurrock

Check Thurrock bus timetables and bus fares online.

Thurrock bus services are either:

  • commercially operated
  • subsidised

Commercially operated services are run by private companies with no public funding or control. Subsidised services are also operated by private companies but funded in part by public money.

Thurrock Council does not operate or subsidise any bus routes.

Commercially operated services

By law, we have no control over commercially operated bus services – you must contact the operator direct if you have a comment, question or complaint about these services.

Commercial operators of bus routes in Thurrock are:

Bus routes in Thurrock are commercially operated, unless listed below.

Transport for London (TfL) services

Bus routes 347, 370 and 372 are Transport for London (TfL) bus services.

Comments, questions or complaints about these services should be sent to TfL – go to Transport for London: help and contacts.

Essex County Council subsidised services

Bus routes 269 and 565 are subsidised by Essex County Council.

Comments, questions or complaints about these services should be sent to Essex County Council.