Support in education
Teachers and your carers will help you through your education.
Designated teachers
Your designated teacher is there to look after your best interest and support you if you need any help. If you have any problems getting to school, your designated teacher can help.
Other people who will be there for you are:
- the head teacher of Thurrock's Virtual School
- form teachers, form tutors and class teachers
- learning support assistants, available to some young people
- school counsellors
- school nurses, who provide medical advice, some counselling and general support
Personal education plan
You should have a personal education plan (PEP). The plan should be discussed at your review.
Some young people with special educational needs will have a statement, which also makes plans for their educational future. Some people have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), or a Pastoral Support Plan (PSP). All of these plans will be part of the PEP.
Your PEP should be written within 14 days of your starting at a school or coming into care. It will include educational targets and how they can be reached, and also long-term plans like your plans for work. Your PEP should make sure that everyone pays full attention to your education.
You should contribute to your PEP as it will help everyone listen to what you say. It will include:
- what you enjoy at school
- what you are good at in school
- any areas you would like to improve on
- plans for the future including what you would like to do when you leave school
- anything else you think is important
What your carers can do to support you
Your carers are there to help you get the best from your school and to enjoy your time at school.
They will probably visit your school from time to time to make sure you are doing all right there. They will help you to get to school every day. They will help you to get organised for school by helping you sort out clothes and things like that.
Your carers should support you in doing your homework by giving you a quiet place to study, and by giving you help if you need it.
Special needs
Many young people will have special educational needs of some kind during their education. Most special educational needs can be met with extra support in ordinary schools. Every school has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).