
Improvement and Recovery Plan

In September 2022, the Government issued Directions that required us to put in place an Improvement and Recovery Plan to the satisfaction of Commissioners.

At a minimum, the plan is required to include:

  • an action plan to achieve financial sustainability and to close any short-term and long-term budget gaps identified by the council across the period of its medium-term financial strategy, including a robust multi-year savings plan
  • an action plan to ensure the council's capital, investment and treasury management strategies are sustainable and affordable
  • a strict debt reduction plan, and an updated minimum revenue provision policy in line with all relevant rules and guidelines
  • an action plan to ensure the council is complying with all relevant rules and guidelines relating to the financial management of the council
  • a suitable scheme of delegations for financial decision-making

We published an initial Improvement and Recovery Plan in December 2022 and an updated enhanced Improvement and Recovery Plan in October 2023.

Improvement and Recovery Plan, October 2023

Our current enhanced Improvement and Recovery Plan was approved at a meeting of Full Council on 25 October 2023.

This plan builds on our original planned actions while streamlining activity to help us on the next steps of recovery, following further Government directions.

It focuses on 3 priorities:

  • improving leadership to increase the rate of change
  • improving governance and controls
  • improving financial sustainability

Improvement and Recovery Plan, December 2022

We published our initial Improvement and Recovery Plan in December 2022. This set the short-term, medium-term and longer-term actions we would take to deal with challenges we faced, in response to directions from the Government.

Reporting on progress

We must report to the Commissioner on our Improvement and Recovery Plan progress at 6-month intervals, or at such intervals as the Commissioner may direct.