Make a building control application

Make an application

Building regulations protect the health, safety, welfare and convenience of people in and about buildings. They generally apply to new, extended or altered buildings, whether residential, commercial or industrial.

There are 4 different types of building regulation applications.

Full plans submission

Full plans submissions can apply to any type of building work but must be always submitted for works on commercial buildings, schools, shops, offices, railway premises, factories and hotels.

Building notice submission

Building notice submissions can be used only for minor domestic works such as alterations and extensions. This process does not involve the approving or rejecting of plans.

Regularisation application

Building work is considered unauthorised when carried out without first receiving building control consent. Consent can still be sought, however, by applying for a regularisation certificate.

Demolition application

You must usually give at least 6 weeks' notice of building demolition work you intend to undertake. It is an offence to begin demolition without giving notice.

Further information

Our application pages give guidance on each application type.

We provide detailed information on residential alterations and extensions.

You can contact us if you need further advice.

Building Control applications

: 01375 652 655
