Make a planning application

Detailed information for specific application types

In addition to information that must be submitted with all planning application types, you may have to provide extra information in specific cases.

The information below gives details of documents that must accompany some specific types of application. Go to our overview of information for specific application types for a summary list.

Existing and proposed site sections and finished floor and site levels

You will only need to provide this with applications that involve a change in ground levels or where the development is proposed next to ground levels that are changing.

On sloping sites you must show how the proposals relate to current ground levels where ground levels may be modified.

Drawings must be at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100, and show a cross section through the proposed buildings. Where a proposal involves a change in ground levels, drawings must show both existing and finished levels. Drawings must include details of floor levels, building height and relationship to site boundaries.

Your plans must also show:

  • how proposed buildings relate to existing site levels and neighbouring development
  • existing site levels and finished floor levels– with levels related to a fixed datum point off site – and also in relation to adjoining buildings

Levels should also be taken into account when preparing design and access statements.

Roof plans

You will only need to provide this with applications where a roof would be created or altered by the proposed development.

Drawings must be at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200, and show:

  • the shape of the roof
  • details of the roofing materials
  • features such as chimney positions or windows

Affordable housing statement / viability statement

You will only need to provide this with applications for new residential development where there is capacity for 10 or more dwellings, or the total development area is 0.5 hectares or larger.

The statement must include:

  • how you propose to meet the affordable housing requirements our Core Strategy
  • the number and size of residential units
  • the mix of units (tenure)
  • plans showing the location of units
  • a detailed explanation of the financial contribution, when requested

Agricultural appraisal

You will only need to provide this with applications that propose new dwellings for agricultural workers, or the removal of agricultural occupancy conditions on existing dwellings.

You should include functional and financial evidence that shows there is an agricultural need for a permanent dwelling and there are no suitable dwellings available in the locality.

For removal of conditions, you should be submit evidence that there is no long-term need for an agricultural workers dwelling in the locality. This should show e property has been publicised for sale and let to other relevant interests in the locality.

Air quality impact assessment

You will only need to provide this with applications for developments of 10 or more residential units, or 500 square metres of non-residential floor space within the Air Quality Management Area.

Biodiversity survey and report

You will only need to provide this with applications where the type and location of development are such that the impact on biodiversity may be significant and existing information is lacking or inadequate.

You do not need a biodiversity checklist for:

  • removal or variation of a condition
  • advertisement consent
  • change of use of an existing building
  • internal subdivision of an existing building
  • minor works, such as the erection of a fence, wall or gate, or a dropped kerb
  • a lawful development certificate
  • prior notification of agricultural or forestry development

Where your checklist shows the need for a biodiversity report, the report should assess the impact of your proposed development on wildlife. It should include proposals for mitigation or compensation measures, including the protection of habitats and provision of new habitats.

The report must include an assessment of existing structures or potential natural habitats where they are to be removed or naturally affected by the proposals.

Environmental impact assessment

You will only need to provide this with applications that are likely to have significant effects on the environment.

Your assessment must give details of the likely significant effects.

Regulations set out a procedure for determining which projects should be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment – go to GOV.UK: Environmental Impact Assessment guidance.

Flood risk assessment

You will only need to provide this with applications for developments on sites of more than 1 hectare in flood zone 1, and all new developments within flood zones 2 or 3.

To find the location of flood zones, go to GOV.UK: flood map for planning.

Your assessment should:

  • set out the risks of all forms of flooding to and from the development
  • show how flood risks will be managed
  • look for opportunities to reduce the probability and consequences of flooding
  • cover the need for safe access to and from the development in the event of flooding
  • include the design of surface water management systems including sustainable drainage
  • take account of climate change

Health impact assessment

You will only need to provide this with applications for developments of 50 or more residential units, or 1,000 square metres of non-residential floor space.

The health impact would also include the safety of an environment.

You will need to measure the wider impact of your development upon healthy living, and the demands that will be placed upon health services and facilities.

Heritage statement

You will only need to provide this with applications for listed building consent, or conservation area consent, or developments likely to affect designated or non-designated heritage assets.

The statement must include:

  • a description of the asset
  • an evaluation of the importance and significance of the asset
  • how your proposal will affect the asset

Where relevant, heritage statements should be supported by photographs, phasing plans, historic photographs or drawings, historic maps and other sources. The amount of information provided should be proportionate to the significance of the asset and the scale of works proposed.

Land contamination assessment

You will only need to provide this with major applications – especially on brownfield sites – and applications that require an environmental impact assessment, or where development is proposed for a site known to have potential contamination issues.

The information must be site specific.

Lighting assessment

You will only need to provide this with applications – except for householder developments – where you propose to incorporate external lighting.

The assessment must include:

  • a layout plan that shows how beams of light will be orientated
  • the proposed equipment design
  • light spillage beyond the property boundary

Parking and access arrangements

You will only need to provide this with applications likely to result in a loss or gain of parking provision.

Your site plan must show existing and proposed:

  • parking
  • cycle storage
  • access arrangements for vehicles and pedestrians

Retail or leisure impact assessment

You will only need to provide this with applications for retail or leisure developments over 2,500 square metres, or likely to have a significant impact on smaller centres, or when they are not in a central location, nor in accordance with a development plan.

Your assessment should include details of the impacts on:

  • existing, committed and planned public and private investment in centres in the catchment area of the proposals
  • town centre vitality and viability, including consumer choice
  • allocated sites outside town centres being developed in accordance with development plan
  • trade and turnover both in centres and wider area

You should explain how the development is of appropriate scale, if in or on the edge of a town centre. You should also take account of any locally important impacts on centres.

Statement of community involvement

You will only need to provide this with large scale or potentially controversial applications where there is significant impact on the environment or local community, or where the nature of the development is likely to attract significant local interest.

Your statement should explain how the views of the community have been sought and taken into account during the preparation of your proposal.

Structural survey

You will only need to provide this with applications involving barn conversations, the re-use of rural buildings, or the partial demolition of any heritage building due to its condition.

A structural survey must be carried out by a structural engineer or a suitably qualified person. Where alteration or demolition is proposed, this must be shown clearly on your application's floor plans and elevation plans, and be cross referenced to the structural survey.

Telecommunications development

You will only need to provide specialist telecommunications information with applications for approval of telecommunications developments.

Information to be provided includes:

  • the proposal
  • the area of search
  • details of any consultation undertake
  • details of the proposed structure
  • technical justification

You must also provide a signed declaration that the equipment and installation has been designed to be in full compliance with the requirements of the radio frequency public exposure guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.

Transport assessment

You will only need to provide this with applications for developments likely to generate a significant amount of vehicle movement, or that materially increase the character of traffic entering or leaving a trunk road.

Your assessment should include details as set out in the Planning Practice Guidance on Transport Assessments.

Travel plan

You will only need to provide this with non-residential proposals involving 50 employees or more.

The travel plan must set out how reliance on private motor cars will be reduced.

Tree survey

You will only need to provide this where there are trees within – or adjacent to – the development site that could influence or be affected by your proposals.

Existing trees must be shown on the site plan and drawings submitted with all applications.

An arboriculture statement is needed for applications where:

  • preserved trees, either on or adjoining the site, may be affected by your proposal
  • where it is proposed that a number of trees on site shall be removed

Preserved trees are those that are either:

  • the subject of a tree preservation order
  • within a conservation area

Your arboriculture statement should include:

  • a tree survey
  • a tree protection plan
  • an arboriculture method statement, if development takes place within a root protection area