Single bus fares capped at £2
Until the end of December 2024 you can get any single bus ticket for a maximum fare of £2 on all bus routes in Thurrock, except those operated by Transport for London.
Until the end of December 2024 you can get any single bus ticket for a maximum fare of £2 on all bus routes in Thurrock, except those operated by Transport for London.
You can apply for a replacement bus pass if your pass is lost, damaged or stolen. Your replacement pass will be dated the same as the previous pass.
There is a fee of £13.40 for the replacement of lost or damaged bus passes.
If you need a replacement pass, you must complete the form above and pay the fee. You can pay by credit or debit card. We do not accept cash or cheques.
If your bus pass is stolen you must report it to the police and make a note of the incident number you receive. You should then complete the form above.
There is no fee if an incident number is given. If you don't have an incident number, your bus pass will be treated as lost and the fee shown above will apply.