Single bus fares capped at £2
Until the end of December 2024 you can get any single bus ticket for a maximum fare of £2 on all bus routes in Thurrock, except those operated by Transport for London.
Until the end of December 2024 you can get any single bus ticket for a maximum fare of £2 on all bus routes in Thurrock, except those operated by Transport for London.
You can travel for free on local buses once you reach state pension age – go to GOV.UK: check your state pension age.
If you were born before 6 October 1954, go to GOV.UK: check your state pension age to find out if you're eligible for free local bus travel before you reach state pension age.
You can apply online using the form below, or apply at your local library if you meet the age criteria.
If you apply at a library, you need to take 1 proof of age and 2 proofs of address – your photo will be taken free of charge.
You are eligible for a free bus pass if you:
Use the online form, below, to apply for a bus pass based on disability.
You cannot apply, or have your application photo taken, through your local library for a bus pass based on disability.
The form below is for use by all applicants.
Bus pass application forms to download and print are no longer available.
Disabled applicants who would not be able to make a journey regularly without help from a travelling companion may also be entitled to a companion pass. You can apply for a companion pass at the same time as your bus pass application, or any time afterwards.
Disabled person's companion bus pass