Council leaseholders

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Service charges

Our charges are based upon the services we provide. We know these vary.

Most of our leases require the cost of the service to be shared equally between all the properties benefiting from the service.

We have a duty to collect the leaseholder's share of these costs. The cost of building insurance (communal areas, structure and exterior only) is included in the service charge.

Not all leaseholders receive all the services. You are only charged for the services that are provided to your building and estate.

Your service charge bill

In April, we will send you an estimate of how much we think we will spend on your property within the coming financial year (1 April to 31 March). It is worked out according to your lease.

Every April we will send you a charge for your ground rent. This is set at £10 per year, by law.

In September, we will write to you again and tell you how much we actually spent on your property in the previous financial year. Once again this is calculated in accordance with the terms of your lease.

If we have overestimated, we will credit your account. If your account had been clear prior to this, you can ask us to refund the overestimate. If we have underestimated, we will send you another bill. In both cases, we will send you a breakdown of our costs and answer questions.