Public Health

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) looks at the health needs of local people.

It helps us to:

  • commission health, well-being and social care services in the borough
  • improve the physical and mental health and well-being of individuals and communities

It supports commissioning processes used by health, council and community organisations in Thurrock.

Through the JSNA we lead in promoting work with partners on local commissioning plans, including support for joint commissioning arrangements where it meets the needs of each party.

We work with through the Health and Well-being Board to make sure the JSNA informs the Health and Well-being Strategy.

We have decided to focus our 2023 annual public health report on fuel poverty.

Needs assessment documents

Needs assessment documents, 2023

An overarching Thurrock JSNA was published in 2012.