
How to present your petition

You can present your petition at:

  • a Council meeting
  • a Cabinet meeting
  • any committee meeting

Find out the dates of our meetings.

If you want to present a petition at one of our meetings, you must tell us no later than midday the day before the meeting.

What you need to tell us about your petition

You must tell us:

  • what your petition is about
  • the number of signatures your petition has
  • your contact details

If you want to present your petition at a meeting or give it to us in person, you should contact:

Democratic Services


At the meeting

You can speak for up to 3 minutes at the meeting to tell councillors what your petition is about.

If you present your petition at a meeting of Council, then either the relevant Cabinet portfolio holder or the chairperson of the relevant committee will respond for up to 1 minute. If you present it at a meeting of Cabinet or any other committee, we will not discuss it at the meeting unless there is a report on the agenda that covers the issue in your petition.

We will tell you about what will happen at the meeting when you contact us about presenting your petition.