Thameside Theatre

Thameside Theatre tickets

You can buy tickets online at any time, or phone our box office on 0345 300 5264 from Tuesday to Friday between midday and 3pm, or Saturdays between 10am and 1pm. Our box office counter on the ground floor is open at the same times.

Disability facilities

The Thameside Complex has lifts to all floors. The theatre itself is on the third floor.

The theatre has wheelchair spaces in row letter O:

  • 2 at seat numbers 1 to 4
  • 2 at seat numbers 11 to 14
  • 2 at seat numbers 21 to 24

These seats must be booked in advance. They are shown on our seating layout:

There is a disability toilet on the second floor fitted with RADAR scheme keys. You can borrow a key from our staff.

There are 3 disability parking spaces at the front of the Thameside Complex on Titan Road. There is a ramp to the entrance of the complex, where the front door is electrically operated.

Wheelchair access to the stage is via the stage door, dressing room corridor, and stage lift.

An infrared hearing system is fitted in the Thameside Theatre. This allows people who are hard of hearing to enjoy the full range of sounds in the theatre. You simply wear a small receiver about the size of a pack of cards. The sound can be heard either through your own hearing aid (using the T setting) or with a pair of Walkman-style headphones. Loan of the equipment is free and available from any member of the theatre staff.

We do not currently offer signed or described performances.

For more information, download the access guide produced by Thurrock Diversity Network.