Permitted development right conditions (PDR) are often attached to the planning consents that we grant. Some of these conditions remove permitted development rights. Current conditions are listed below.

This is not a full list of conditions that remove permitted development rights on sites – you should also check the planning history of a property. Planning permission may have been granted for a property but this does not guarantee it has been implemented. A subsequent planning permission or alteration to the property may affect the permitted development rights.

PDR no. Planning applicationsort ascending
PDR 165 Lp20 THU/702/85/20/1
PDR 164 Lp18 THU/702/85/P18/2
PDR 163 Lp17 THU/702/85/P17
PDR 162 Lp16 THU/702/85/P16 and P3
PDR 161 Lp15 and 19 THU/702/85/15/19
PDR 160 Lp14 THU/702/85/14
PDR 159 Lp13 THU/702/85/P13
PDR 158 Lp12 THU/702/85/P12
PDR 157 Lp11 THU/702/85/11
PDR 156 Lp10 THU/702/85/10A
PDR 155 Lp 9 THU/702/85/A9
PDR 154 Lp 76/77 02/00030/REM
PDR 153 Lp 75 01/00050/REM
PDR 152 Lp 74 01/00790/REM
PDR 151 Lp 73 01/00017/REM
PDR 150 Lp 72 01/00181/REM
PDR 149 Lp 71 01/00435/REM
PDR 148 Lp 70 99/01045/REM
PDR 147 Lp 69 99/01014/REM and00/00670/REM
PDR 146 Lp 67 97/00171/REM, 97/00172/REM
PDR 145 Lp 66 97/00446/REM
PDR 144 Lp 60a 02/00304/REM
PDR 143 Lp 60 00/00443/FUL
PDR 142 Lp 59 00/01033/FUL
PDR 141 Lp 58 01/00023/FUL
PDR 140 Lp 57 00/01085/REM, 00/01086/REM
PDR 139 Lp 53 00/00916/REM
PDR 138 Lp 52A 99/01016/REM
PDR 137 Lp 52 00/00599/REM
PDR 136 Lp 51 01/00052/REM
PDR 135 Lp 50 00/00167/FUL
PDR 134 Lp 5 THU/702/85/5/A and Phase 5
PDR 133 Lp 49 99/00579/REM
PDR 132 Lp 48 99/00490/REM, 99/00492/REM
PDR 131 Lp 47 99/00368/REM
PDR 130 Lp 45 99/00335/REM
PDR 129 Lp 38 96/00685/REM
PDR 128 Lp 36/37 97/00875/REM
PDR 127 Lp 35 97/00819/REM
PDR 126 Lp 34a 98/00382/FUL
PDR 125 Lp 34 97/00857/REM
PDR 124 Lp 33 97/00875/REM
PDR 123 Lp 31 98/00149/REM
PDR 122 Lp 28 98/00716/REM
PDR 120 Lp 27 98/00988/REM
PDR 121 Lp 27 98/00581/REM
PDR 117 Lp 1/2 THU/702/85/1A/East
PDR 118 Lp 1/2 THU/702/85/1A/East
PDR 119 Lp 1/2 THU/702/85/1A/East
PDR 116 AM5 98/00868/REM