Householder planning applications

Work that needs a householder application

Householder applications are needed for:

  • changes to an existing dwelling house
  • extensions to an existing dwelling house
  • extensions to family annexes
  • new incidental buildings within the garden
  • altered incidental buildings within the garden

Incidental buildings include garages, sheds, summerhouses and similar outbuildings.

This guide will still help you prepare supplemental documents, but we may ask for more information before validating your application.

The plans included in this guide have been prepared solely to illustrate each plan type – they do not represent a single proposal.

Work that needs a full application

You must make a detailed full planning application if you want consent for other developments, excluding householder developments.

Full applications are needed for:

  • new family annexes or other outbuildings with sleeping quarters
  • new buildings on land that may be adjoining your garden – for example, a paddock next to your garden which you purchased separately or together with the house and garden
  • works to a flat
  • works to a maisonette

These types of development are not covered by this guide.

Next page: application form.